
New around here?

We are so happy you found us!

Finding the right church community can be a challenge. Whether you’re relocating to San Diego and looking for a church home, curious about how to nurture your spirituality through worship, or if you’ve found us online, deciding on the right fit for you is what is most important. To help you know what you can expect at CLC, we’ve created a space just for you.

Check out our FAQs below for answers to some common questions. If there is something that this page doesn’t cover, we’d love to chat! Click here to get in touch.


What is Christ Lutheran Church?

Christ Lutheran Church is a progressive Christian church that follows Jesus and his teachings. We are not centered in judgment, but rather in God’s unconditional grace offered to us freely by Christ. Lutheranism grew from protestant roots as we followed the teachings of Martin Luther. Our tradition is one of renewal and reform in the church made possible by the power of the Holy Spirit.

We invite you to actively participate in our mission to share God’s unconditional love and tell the story of Jesus to all. 

And in true Lutheran tradition, we invite you to have coffee and snacks with us after in-person worship.

How do I get to Christ Lutheran Church?

Christ Lutheran Church is located at 4761 Cass Street, San Diego, CA 92109. Our campus sits mainly between Chalcedony and Missouri Streets. We have free parking in two lots, one east of the Sanctuary and the other across Chalcedony Street. You are welcome to use either.

What should I wear to Sunday worship?

If you are joining us in person, come in your comfortable casual clothes. Ditto for the kiddos. We follow Jesus’ model of practicing inclusivity and an open table. This means that all people are welcome in our space, and this philosophy extends to how we worship, celebrate communion, and go out into the world to share the love of Christ.

What goes on at Sunday worship?

At worship, you will experience group confession and forgiveness, bible readings, music (any of these: organ/piano/guitar/percussion/music video) and singing, a sermon with a message for our modern world, a communion table that is open to all (with non-alcoholic and gluten-free options available), prayers of the people, an opportunity to give an offering, and a commission to go into the world to share the grace and love that we all receive through Christ.

What do you have for kids?

Children can stay with you during worship. There are “busy bags” in the church entryway for busy little hands, but we truly understand that little humans sometimes make noise. It’s all OK with us.

If you are new to our community, either online or in person, and would like to be on our email mailing list for kids’ activity sheets, please get in touch with Deacon Taflin.

What worship options do you offer?

There are two main ways to experience worship with Christ Lutheran Church. Attend our traditional Sunday worship in our sanctuary at 9:30 AM, or join us online via YouTube at whatever time suits your schedule!

What if I don’t know for sure if I’m welcome?

All are welcome here, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identity or expression, age, sexual orientation, marital status, social or economic state, physical or mental challenge, and whether you are confident or questioning your faith.

If you visit Christ Lutheran, you will not be required to speak, sign anything, or give money. You will not be singled out, although you may be warmly greeted. Whether you worship with us online or in person, we believe that visitors make us more complete, and we are grateful for the presence of new people.